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51Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz So Mai 04, 2014 7:22 pm


Erste Reaktionen zum Titelgewinn!

Gianluigi Buffon:
"Es ist das zweite mal in meiner Karriere dass ich einen Scudetto auf diese Weise gewinne. Das letzte mal vor 10 Jahren. Um ehrlich zu sein ist es befriedigender wenn du es auf dem Platz schaffst, nachdem du physisch und psychisch alles gegeben hast. Aber am Ende bringt ein Triumph immer Zufriedenheit und Glück. sassuolo war ein wichtiger Schritt, ebenso wie Genua, das Spiel welches Pirlo mit seinem Freistoß entschied. Genua hätte es da vielleicht mehr verdient aber wir haben es geschafft zu Null zu bleiben. Wir haben es geschafft den Weg zu gehen und unsere Hände an die Trophäe zu legen. Ich denke der Italienische Fußball muss sich bei der Roma bedanken. Sie spielten eine herausragende Saison und waren ein großer Kontrahent. Diese Saison war wundervoll und es gibt vieles zu analysieren."

Carlos Tevez:
"Ich bin sehr glücklich mit diesem Sieg. Ich habe erwartet dass wir es morgen schaffen, aber es ist auch so schön. Jetzt können wir ein wenig relaxen. Ich habe letzten Montag realisiert dass wir einen riesigen Schritt gemacht haben diesen Titel zu holen. Das Symbol des Titels ist das Team. Nicht ich, Conte oder irgendjemand sonst. Wir sind alle Champions, alle Spieler und der gesamte Betreuerstab. Ohne jeden einzelnen wäre es nicht möglich gewesen Geschichte zu schreiben. Man muss alle Gratulieren. Ich arbeite daran dass immer alles gut wird. Es ist speziell heute. Mein erster Scudetto mit Juve ist ein einzigartiges Gefühl und einer wie dieser, der Geschichte schreibt, schreit danach gefeiert zu werden. Ich danke meiner ganzen Familie, die jeden Schritt auf diesem Weg mit mir gegangen sind."

Beppe Marotta:
"Es ist eine aussergewöhnliche und einzigartige Leistung. Das Lob muss sicher an den Trainer gehen, de abgesehen von seinen technischen und beruflichen Fähigkeiten, eine Leader ist. Er vermittelt seit seinem ersten Tag in Vinovo eine Siegermentalität.
Wir sind stolz auf unseren Trainer, der, wie ich finde, einer der besten der Welt ist. Nicht nur wegen seiner Fußball Prinzipien, sondern auch für die Art wie er mit dem Kader arbeitet und ihn motiviert. Wir haben immer gesagt dass es eine schwer Saison wird. Aber wir waren mit dieser tollen Manschaft und diesem tollen Trainer in der Lage, mit großen Hunger, diesen dritten Titel in Folge zu erreichen.
Wir haben mit dieser Gruppe vor vier Jahren, drei mit Conte, begonnen und haben jedes Jahr die Messlatte angehoben.
Es ist unsere Pflicht auch in diesem Sommer wieder das Fundament zu bauen. Und wir werden dies auch tun, mit Klugheit und dem Blick auf das Financial Fair Play und den finanziellen Richtlinien des Vereins."

Giorgio Chiellini:
"Wir sind durch Höhen und Tiefen gegangen und haben für diese historische Leistung gekämpft. Die ganzen Emotionen die in den letzten Monaten hoch gekommen sind werden wir bündeln um in den nächsten Tagen zu feiern. Unser Stärke war dass wir die Roma nie abgeschrieben haben. Ander haben gesagt der Scudetto wäre schon unser, aber das war er nicht. Wir konnten uns keine Fehler erlauben. Es ist der Scudetto der Rekorde und wir stehen mit 93 Punkte da. Wir haben noch drei Spiele um uns in die Geschichtsbücher des Italienischen Fußballs einzutragen. Ein Dank an die Roma die uns zu 100% gepusht haben."

52Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Di Mai 06, 2014 6:25 am


Conte in der PK nach dem Sieg gegen Atalanta:
"Wir haben in meinen drei Jahren hier 267 Punkte geerntet und es sind noch 2 Spiele zu gehen. Es wird hart sein, besser zu sein, als dass wir bisher erreicht haben. Ich arbeite hier mit einer außergewöhnlichen Gruppe. Ich kann nur jeden einzelnen Danken für dass was sie mir gegeben haben. Gestern fragten sie mich ob sie ausgehen dürfen um gemeinsam zu essen und zu feiern und heute stehen sie mit der nötigen Konzentration und Willen auf dem Platz um zu gewinnen."
Auf die Frage ob er bleibt:
"Wir werden sehen. Juventus ist meine Familie und ich werde im Juventino sein, egal wo auf der Welt ich arbeite."

Ich persönlich hoffe mal stark dass er pokert, denn das hört sich schon ein wenig nach Abschied an.

53Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Di Mai 06, 2014 8:16 am


Hört sich wirklich nach Abschied an. Er wurde in letzter Zeit öfters über seine Zukunft gefragt und er hat die Tür eigentlich ganz weit offen gelassen. Bin mir wirklich nicht sicher ob er bleibt.

54Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Di Mai 06, 2014 8:40 am


Also Fakt ist sein Vertrag läuft noch ein jahr! Ob er verlängert oder nicht ist ein jahr lang egal er bleibt auf jeden Fall noch eine Saison Juve Trainer! Und nach der WM wird man alles tun um seine Spieler zu bekommen und seine Verlängerung! Aber jetzt schon ein Abschied ist unwahrscheinlich und wird nicht passieren

55Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Mo Mai 12, 2014 8:11 pm


Antonio Conte nach dem Sieg gegen die Roma in der PK:
"Es gibt einiges zu feiern. Wir haben den Rekord von Inter gebrochen, haben die Möglichkeit 100 Punkte zu erreichen und haben unseren größten Kontrahenten im eigenen Stadion besiegt.
Man muss auch der Roma Respekt zollen, welche uns stehts gefordert hat. Nur ein großartiges Juve konnte dieses Tempo mitgehen.
Ich bin sehr stolz dieses Team trainieren zu dürfen. Dieser Lauf über 3 Jahre ist fantastisch und wir sind bereit für das letzte Spiel und die anstehenden Feiern."

56Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Mo Mai 12, 2014 8:24 pm


Er meinte auch dass er angebote von anderen vereinen durchgehen will

57Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Mo Mai 12, 2014 8:58 pm


Ich hab nur das übersetzt was auf unserer Hp stand.

58Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Mi Jul 16, 2014 7:27 pm


Massimiliano Allegri und Guiseppe Marotta in der ersten Pressekonferenz nach Conte.

"Es war ein Blitz aus heiterem Himmel der mich traf als angefragt wurde ob ich für diesen Job verfügbar sei. Ich bin glücklich und fühle mich geehrt. Ich weiß wie groß dieser Job ist. Ab morgen beginne ich zusammen mit dem Verein und dem Team zu arbeiten um das Fundament für eine wichtige und erfolgreiche Saison zu bauen.
Conte vertrat viel hier, als Spieler und als Trainer. Er dominierte Italien und erreichte sehr viel. Ich verstehe die Skepsis der Tifosi die innerhalb von einem Tag auf einmal einen neuen Trainer bei ihrem Verein sehen.
Siege bekommt man nur über harte Arbeit, Respekt und Proffesionalität. Ich war vier Jahre bei Milan und bin jetzt bereit den Erfolgslauf der letzten 3 Jahre fortzusetzen und werde es genießen.
Jetzt alles zu verändern wäre kein kluger Schachzug. Ich werde die attribute der Spieler erarbeiten und versuchen diese zu verbessern. Ein funktionierendes System zu ändern würde keinen Sinn machen.
Drei Meisterschaften in Folge machen uns zum Favoriten in Italien und wir werden alles tun um den vierten Titel in Folge zu holen. In Europa gibt es viele gute Clubs aber mit einer gesunden Transferpolitik wollen wir auch dort einiges erreichen, so wie es Atletico in der letzten Saison getan hat. Unser Ziel ist es unter die besten 8 in Europa zu kommen.
Ich habe eine gute Beziehung zu Pirlo. Er ist ein Weltklasse Spieler und hat bei immer gespielt wenn er fit war. Er war unglücklich in seiner letzten Saison auf Grund vieler Verletzungen und wollte weg. Er ist aber wieder der Alte wie man in den letzten 3 Jahren gesehen hat und ich bin glücklich wieder mit ihm arbeiten zu dürfen."

"Allegri ist ein Trainer der seine Siegermentalität überall unter Beweis gestellt hat. Mit Sassuolo hat er einen historischen Aufstieg in die Serie B geschafft. In Cagliari wo das Ziel war nur zu überleben hat er ein hervorragendes Ergebnis erzielt und bei seiner ersten Saison in Mailand hat er den Scudetto geholt.
Conte´s Zeit bei Juve war eine sehr Positive Erfahrung, die in den historischen Erfolg von drei Titeln in Folge brachte. Dies ist auch die Gelegenheit Danke zu sagen, wie er dieses Team und wie er den Verein weiterentwickelt hat. Er ist ein Champion und das nicht nur wegen der Trophäen die er gewonnen hat, sondern auch für seine Arbeitsmoral, seine Persönlichkeit und seine Motivationsqualitäten. Wir wünschen ihm alles Gute und hoffen er geht auf großartige Erfolge in seiner weiteren Karriere zu.
Am Ende der letzten Saison hat Conte seinen Wunsch geäußert und wir haben versucht ihn zu halten. Nach dem Urlaub kam er wieder auf uns zu bekräftigte seinen Wunsch zu gehen.
Es war notwendig sofort zu handeln und in Allegri haben wir einen Trainer mit dem richtigen Profil gefunden. Ein gewinnender, motivierter Trainer mit exzellenten Ideen. Jetzt beginnen wir ein neues Kapitel aber das Ziel bleibt das gleiche. Gewinnen! Dies ist was das Ansehen und die Geschichte von Juventus von uns verlangt."

59Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Mi Jul 16, 2014 8:09 pm


Wie ich solch Pressekonferenzen hasse, als Fan will man konkretes hören.
Kommt mir vor wie bei Politikern, viel reden aber nichts sagen.
Wobei das im Fußball mittlerweile normal ist.

Wenn es wirklich so schnell gegangen ist, möchte ich wissen, wie irgend ein neuer Trainer jetzt noch transferwünsche äußern soll.
Er muss die Mannschaft erst mal im Training kennenlerne und kann meiner Meinung nach erst nach einigen Wochen sagen mit wem er plant und mit wem nicht.

Kein Trainer der Serie A kennt ein 'fremdes' Team so gut, dass man innerhalb von Tagen entscheiden kann.

Auch alegri hat eine Chance verdient, aber ich habe Angst vor schnellschüssen und unüberlegten Transfers.
So ein junges Talent wie iturbe hätte ich mir schon gewünscht, jetzt bezweifle ich dass überhaupt noch jemand kommt der den Kader verbessert.

60Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Fr Aug 29, 2014 7:58 pm


Pressekonferenz mit Allegri vor dem Ligastart in Verona gegen Chievo:

Zum Ligastart:
“We’re in good shape and ready for a difficult game. Chievo have got plenty of new faces, approach the fixture after being knocked out of the Coppa Italia and will want to bounce back against us. We’ll look to make a strong start to the season as a good result would allow us to work well during the international break.”

Zu Vidal:
“Vidal’s trained well this week and his knee is good shape. Obviously we’ll keep an eye on his condition, but he will be in the starting line-up.”

Zum Kampf um den Scudetto:
“Inter have done some excellent business in the transfer window and are a solid side. Napoli have gone out of the Champions League, but that doesn’t make them less of a threat. Fiorentina have Rossi and Gomez back from injury and Cuadrado has stayed put – these are like three new signings for them. Milan missed out on the Europa League in an unfortunate year for them and will be up there fighting because it’s in the club’s DNA. In addition, I’m sure Galliani will come up with something in the last few days of the transfer window. Lazio have also done well in the transfer market. Roma have important players and are one of the favourites for the title. Garcia is a smart coach who has quickly understood Italian football. It’s a tough league featuring seven to eight high quality teams.”

Zur Champions League Auslosung:
“It’s certainly not an easy group. It features four teams who are reigning champions in their respective countries. Malmo are in a more advanced physical condition, Atletico are as potent as they were last year and Olympiacos got through to the knockout stages last season.
We have a good chance of qualifying, but it’s not a given. Getting through the group stages is our first target of the season and must be achieved at all costs. The gap between the big European sides exists, but it doesn’t mean that Juventus and Roma can’t enjoy a strong Champions League campaign.”

61Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz So Aug 31, 2014 7:53 am


Stimmen nach dem 1:0 Sieg gegen Chievo am ersten Spieltag.

"Es war wichtig dass wir heute gewonnen haben.Wir haben eine lange Saison vor uns und müssen bereit sein den Kampf jedes Wochenende anzunehmen. Heute ist es uns gelungen, obwohl einige Spieler fehlen und damit bin ich zufrieden.
Wir haben auch die Viererkette trainiert, aber auf Grund der Spielweise von Chievo und der Grippe-Welle in dieser Woche, waren wir in unserer Arbeit behindert und deshalb habe ich mich für das bewährte Setup entschieden.
Gegen Ende war ich ein bisschen besorgt, da wir viele Chancen liegen ließen um das Spiel klar zu machen. Buffon rettete uns dann mit einem unglaublichen Save. Auch wenn die Chancenverwertung nicht optimal war und wir den Ball noch besser halten können, bin ich insgesamt sehr zufrieden."

"Es war ein gutes Spiel, mit vielen Chancen. Einige wurden verschleudert, bei einigen war auch viel Pech dabei. Aber das ist alles Bestandteil des ersten Spieltags wenn alle noch nicht bei 100% sind.
Der Wille zum Sieg ist da. Wir waren gut vorbereitet und der Teamgeist ist da.
Wir hätten es vielleicht verdient höher zu gewinnen, aber die Herausforderung ist jetzt diesen Willen auch in den anderen Spielen aufrecht zu erhalten. Der Unterschied zwischen den Kontrahenten und uns wird die Konstanz sein.
Die Roma ist gut vorbereitet, aber auch Napoli, Inter und die Fiorentina sind nicht zu unterschätzen."

62Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Sa Sep 13, 2014 5:04 am


Massimiliano Allegri vor dem ersten Heimspiel gegen Udinese:
“Tomorrow will be a special night. I’ve only ever been to Juventus Stadium as the opposition so it will be a completely different experience for me as Juventus manager."

“Patience will be required because Udinese give you little space in which to play. As always, we’ll need the fans to get behind us. The atmosphere at Juventus Stadium can provide a great boost in that sense."

“They’re always a tough team to play against. Di Natale is in excellent shape and always represents a threat. Muriel has extraordinary qualities, they’ve bought Thereau and Kone and Stramaccioni’s inherited a good setup from Guidolin. It won’t be an easy game by any stretch of the imagination.”

“Vidal comes off the back of a season in which he played constantly, underwent a meniscus operation and featured in the World Cup 30 days later. He returned from international duty with a strain and we’ve decided to leave him out as a precaution. Chiellini will work with the team and Morata returns to the squad despite not yet being fully match fit."

“As far as Barzagli is concerned, our medical staff and fitness coaches have worked well and he could even be on the bench tomorrow. Tevez was a false alarm, he felt a twinge when striking a ball on the volley. Pirlo’s on the road to recovery and will try kicking a ball next week. If all goes well he’ll be back ahead of schedule. Marrone is the only one who remains sidelined.”

“During the season there are moments when you have two or three absences and the team needs to be comfortable in dealing with these - otherwise 12 players would be enough for 50 games.”

“Juventus have an important squad with players who will take to the field to try and win tomorrow’s match. We need to try and begin this cycle of Serie A and Champions League games on a positive note. It’s an exciting month ahead for us.”

63Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz So Sep 14, 2014 6:56 am


Stimmen nach dem Sieg gegen Udinese:

Massimiliano Allegri:
“I was curious to see how the evening would pan out, but more importantly if the team were able to bring home the victory. The fans were great throughout, particularly during the more difficult moments of the match.”
“There was a ten minute period when Udinese gave us a few problems. We need to know how to deal with the avoidable errors we made, especially when we gave the ball away far too cheaply.”
“Pereyra was a pleasant surprise tonight, I knew he was good but perhaps not that good. He’s got strong technique and is dynamic and physical. I think he could flourish as an inside midfielder.”
“Llorente and Tevez both worked their socks off throughout, hence why I took them off. When Coman and Morata came on, they harried to get the ball back in the same way the defenders and midfielders had been doing during the game. The presence of these quality young players in and around the squad sets the club up well for the future.”

Claudio Marchisio:
“It’s important to get off to a good start in this league. It’s never easy, especially after three consecutive Scudetto titles. Teams try to give us problems, just as Udinese did, who could have been threatening on the counter. But we remained focused right the way through."
“It’s always a wonderful feeling to score, especially in front of our fans at Juventus Stadium. As the years go by, I’m racking up even more appearances and I hope that figure and the amount of trophies we win continue to increase.”
“I’ve always got on better as an inside midfielder, you’ve got a greater chance of breaking through and scoring. Having said that, when we’ve managed to shut out the opposition in certain games, you can find space to roam forward even when playing in front of the defence.”

Alvaro Morata:
“I’m feeling good, fully fit and available.”
“I’m happy to have played - it was an incredible feeling!"
“I’d like to thank the fans for the support that they continue to show me and hope to repay them as soon as possible.”
“I was close to getting off the mark tonight but it’s only the first game. The important thing is that the team won.”

Patrice Evra:
“Paul Pogba told me all about this stadium – it’s incredible! I would like to thank all the fans, staff and my team-mates. I looked to repay them with a good performance tonight.”
“I’ve never worked as hard in my life! Serie A’s less intense than the Premiership but there’s a greater focus on tactics. You always need to be focused and alert to everything.”
“The aim is to go further than last year, but we need to take one game at a time. It’s a wonderful competition and I really enjoy playing in the Champions League.”

64Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz So Okt 05, 2014 6:53 am


Allegri vor dem Topspiel gegen die Roma in Turin:

“Tomorrow’s game is important, but not decisive. Regardless of the final outcome, there are 32 matches still to play and 96 points at stake. Roma are a very technical side, blessed with great physical attributes. They have strengthened in the summer and gained plenty of self belief."

“But Juventus go into the encounter on the back of three consecutive Scudetto wins, are determined to regain their title and always represent a difficult side to beat. It will be an even match-up and we’ll see who’s the best at the end of the season.”

Rückblickend aufs Atletico Match:

“Looking back at the game I think the team played with decent personality and weren’t in awe of a side who have won Spain's premier division and almost lifted the Champions League."

“It wasn’t the greatest match and one in which an error would have proved fatal, as it happens it was us who committed one. One fixture doesn’t decide a season, a positive result in Madrid would have put us on a decent footing towards qualification, but defeat doesn’t rule it out either.”

Zu Pirlo und Asamoah:

“Andrea hasn’t played for a month and a half and lacks minutes under his belt. The important thing is to have him in the best shape, because he’s a fundamental player who raises our level of quality. Vidal’s condition is improving, he played well on Wednesday, even if he wasn’t at his best, and will only get better with playing.

“One of my doubts is between Asamoah and Evra. Both are extremely reliable and Kwadwo’s time could come tomorrow, because Patrice has played three consecutive games. I’m very happy with his level of performance.”

65Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Sa Okt 18, 2014 7:39 pm


Massimiliano Allegri vor dem Spiel gegen Sassuolo:
“It’s an important game for us and we’ve got a fundamental month ahead. Not just in the championship, but in also in the Champions League where the double-header with Olympiacos will be decisive in the race to get out of the group."

“We need to pick up where we left off, but tomorrow won’t be straightforward by any stretch of the imagination. Sassuolo may have just three points on the board as it stands, yet they’re very strong in forward areas and possess everything that’s required to stay up and maintain their top flight status.”

“We need to stay focused. I don’t expect Roma to slip up because they’re an excellent team and seldom drop points. Not winning in Sassuolo would undo our good work in claiming victory against the Giallorossi.”

“Vidal won’t be in the squad because he played two 90-minute matches for Chile on international duty. I need him and a glance at the figures reveals he’s trained a lot less than the rest of the team. I would prefer to leave him here to work in Turin, given that we have an important game in Athens on Wednesday.”

“It’s likely I’ll go with Tevez and Llorente up front tomorrow. Fernando has yet to get off the mark this season, but he’s worked very well with the team. The only thing he’s lacking is a goal, which perhaps could come tomorrow.”

66Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Fr Nov 21, 2014 7:46 pm


Pressekonferenz von Agnelli, Buffon und Chiellini:

Andrea Agnelli: “It’s an important day for Juventus. Gigi has extended his contract with us until 2017, while Giorgio has signed until 2018. The captain is in his fourteenth season with the club and has made more than 500 appearances, won seven Scudetto titles and a World Cup. Giorgio is in his tenth season here and has more than 300 appearances to his name as well as four Scudetto titles.
I believe these figures alone are enough to summarise what two champions like Gigi and Giorgio mean to Juventus. These are two people who were in heaven and experienced hell before taking Juventus back to heaven.
They embody the values that set Juventus apart: work ethic, determination to never give in and the awareness that only one result counts – victory. I don’t just share the same goals with these two, we also share the same dreams.
As far as Gigi’s concerned, I can only repeat what I said when we announced his previous contract renewal together on 23 January 2013. He is an honest, loyal and decent man. Giorgio is an example for every youngster who wants to enjoy success in life. He’s the proof that application, work, effort and sweat always pay off.”

Gianluigi Buffon: “The praise from the club makes me proud of the choices I made 14 years ago. My relationship with Juventus and the Agnelli family over the years is something that’s made me who I am today, both as a player and person.
I’m very happy to be sharing a day like this with Giorgio: he is a great example for young people. Hard work, sweat, sacrifice, desire, professionalism and discipline have made Giorgio the great player he is.
As both parties wished to continue, it was the natural choice to extend my contract for another two years. The fact that it could very well be my last contract was a factor, but I’m not worried about that: I feel energised. I want to continue performing to a high level, so that I can be an asset and a point of reference for the club.”

Giorgio Chiellini: “It’s an emotional day for me and I’m really proud to be here. I’d like to thank Gigi and the president for their wonderful words. Today I’m looking back and thinking about all the people over the past ten years who have helped me grow and feel at home here. I’ve become a man at this club and in this city. Leaving Tuscany and being far away from my family was traumatic to begin with, but everyone here made me feel increasingly at ease.
I think the president would be the first to admit that all those who have been with us in recent years and are still here to this day have enabled us to reach historic achievements. I can assure you that there’s a big family that works on a daily basis to help us players reach the levels we aspire to.
It makes me proud to know that, in years to come, when people talk about Gigi and Giorgio, they’ll think of Juventus.”

67Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Fr Nov 21, 2014 7:51 pm


PK von Allegri vor dem Match gegen Lazio in Rom:
“It’s our duty to focus solely on tomorrow’s game. We didn’t get out of the blocks after October’s international break, so we must take heed of that and burst out of the traps right away tomorrow, enabling us to be ready for Wednesday’s match.
Do we have the potential to get into Europe’s top eight? Yes, but now the aim is to get through the group stages. Let’s get six points and win the group before speaking about anything else.”

“Lazio are a physical, well drilled and extremely organised side. They possess quality players and can harbour ambitions of a third-place finish. They approach the game following a defeat and will be fired up to produce a response. It will be anything but straightforward for us.”

“Romulo’s groin problem is still there and he has good days and bad days. We’ll see if he’ll make it for Saturday. Evra’s almost there and will be back training with us on Sunday. Either he or Asamoah will definitely be available for Wednesday. Ogbonna should be back with us in midweek.
We hope to have Caceres and Marrone fit after Torino, while Barzagli is still not yet able to join in with group training. Pirlo is training with the team and can play tomorrow night. Vidal returned yesterday evening, he’s in good shape and available.”

“It’s important to have a full squad to pick from, thus giving me the chance to rotate my players. We have many games to play and they need to be faced with the right intensity, so it would naturally be much better for me to have a full complement at my disposal.
However, I think the team’s doing well at the moment, even if we’re a bit short in defence as far as numbers are concerned. But we’ve only conceded four goals and are still the division’s strongest rearguard, which is a comforting stat.”

68Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Fr Nov 21, 2014 8:49 pm


Danke dir Juveflaggelogo


69Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Di Nov 25, 2014 8:34 pm


Pressekonferenz vor dem Champions League Match gegen Malmo mit Carlos Tevez:

“I don’t want to talk percentages, but it’s all in our hands and that’s the most important thing. Winning tomorrow would give us an excellent chance of going through.

The pitch is bad for both teams, not just us. We need to show we’re also capable of playing on such a surface and forget about the conditions. We haven’t tested it out in training because we always work in Vinovo before having a walk around when we arrive.

The manager gives me the freedom to play where I prefer and therefore the formation makes very little difference as far as I’m concerned. I can operate either on the shoulder of the defender or drop deep and pick up the ball.”

70Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Mi Nov 26, 2014 7:43 am


Pressekonferenz vor dem Champions League Match gegen Malmo mit Massimiliano Allegri:

“Malmo play a different brand of football on home soil. They’re a lot more aggressive and have put in some good displays here.
They didn’t deserve to lose in their last game against Atletico, having had more shots on goal than the visitors. It will be a difficult game because every team is fighting to get through.

We didn’t deserve to lose our last two European away matches. We played with plenty of personality in Madrid and fashioned a host of chances in Greece. Tomorrow will be a different game entirely and we’ll need to be quick and alert.

There’s no point talking about the pitch, it is what it is and we’ll have to adapt to it quickly because we need to win. We’re in good form and we’ve got all it takes to get the right result.”

71Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Do Nov 27, 2014 12:39 pm


Stimmen nach dem 2:0 Sieg bei Malmö in der Champions League:

Massimilano Allegri:
“Considering how the game went, we should have put it to bed in the first half. We had lots of chances. The lads played well though and adapted very well to the type of match it was.
Malmo chased us all over the park and we got our final ball wrong a number of times. The second half was easier, shall we say, but with all the chances we had we should have wrapped it up sooner.
We'll be up against a side that almost won the competition last season. We have to try and beat them by two clear goals because we have the chance to qualify and finish top of the group.

It was a move we might have been able to pull off in the first half. Marchisio did superbly to play it into the path of Llorente, then he and Tevez showed great movement up front.

In the first half they were man-marking Pirlo. We either needed the two central midfielders to drop a few yards deeper or Vidal needed to come back. When we strung a few more passes together we managed to work our way closer to their area and cause them problems.”

Allegri über Marchisio:
“He's world-class. He has magnificent technique and he reads the game so well. Claudio helps out Andrea in organising the team's play. Pogba is young and occasionally a little rash but he performed well tonight too.”

Fernando Llorente:
“It was a huge game for us and we knew we had to win it. I think the whole team did well and we were especially good in possession. We're all really happy. Now it comes down entirely to what we do.
We have the chance to finish top now and we have to go for it.
I'd like to dedicate my goal to all the fans who came here to see us.”

Carlos Tevez:
“The pitch wasn't great but it helped me score tonight so I can't complain!
When the ball came to me I knew that I'd have to strike it with the back of my foot. Fortunately it came off for me.
The striker then went on to discuss the match itself. “We didn't play well in the first period but after Nando's goal Malmo came out into the open more and that's when we saw Juventus at their best. I did expect a bit more from us, though. We're Juventus and we have to improve constantly. We can't be giving away 45 minutes like that. But at the end of the day the main thing tonight was getting the win.
Even in games like this, with all the pressure there is on anyone who pulls on the Juve jersey, we need to show that we're capable of enjoying ourselves out there. If you're having fun, you're more likely to play well than badly. We need to take away some of the pressure that comes with playing in the Champions League and concentrate on enjoying our football in Europe too.”

Claudio Marchisio:
“I've picked up a few things by playing several games in front of the defence and by watching Andrea.
This was an important result for us tonight and it sets us up nicely heading into the Atletico match. We're second now and have two results possible in the last game but we must make sure we get our approach spot on.
It depends on the match, your mentality, who you're up against, the pitch... We were going nowhere fast in the opening phase of the game but then our quality came to the fore.
Olsen pulled off a great save to keep out my shot at the end of the first half but the other two times it was my fault. I shot without looking at the keeper so I didn't get a good enough angle on it.
We try out things like that a lot in training, with Carlos dragging defenders out of position.
The midfielders were quick to the loose balls tonight and we were quick to play our passes too. We managed that even better in the second period and that's when we found more space as well.”

Simone Padoin:
“We knew it wasn't going to be easy tonight. In the opening period we struggled a bit to deal with all the long balls and their constant pressing, but they started to wane after the break and that's when we came into it more. Juventus looked a different side then and we should have scored more than we did.
It was a bit easier for us in the second half. We were in control of proceedings and fashioned lots of chances but it still wasn't easy by any means.
It all came as a bit of a surprise really. I'm happy though. The gaffer has decided to go with me at left-back and I'm putting my all into it. I'm twice as happy when I'm able to contribute to a victory.”

72Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Sa Nov 29, 2014 7:07 pm


Massimiliano Allegri vor dem Derby della Mole:

“The stats are all in the past and when the referee blows his whistle tomorrow, we’ll be on level pegging. Toro put in a decent performance on Thursday night in the Europa League and will put up a fight, denying us space and looking to put their counter-attacking abilities to good use.
Ventura is an excellent coach, his teams play good football and get results. El Kaddouri has got pace and good timing when breaking into the box. I think he’s their most in-form player. Then there’s Quagliarella who is always a threat, we’ll need to be alert. There’s great respect for Torino, but we’re in it to win it.
I think the team’s always got results. Now we’re operating with a different system, and it’s normal to pay greater attention when using a less familiar setup. Having quality players, however, makes it a lot easier to change things around.
We’re in a good run of form but we mustn’t get carried away. We have an important game tomorrow and still haven’t achieved anything yet. We need to get through to the last 16 in the Champions League and with Roma just three points behind us, there’s still everything to play for in Serie A. We need to keep going quietly about our business.
Evra’s finally put his injury behind him and is ready to play tomorrow. He’s an important player who enjoyed an excellent ten years at Manchester United and now wants to show he’s also capable of performing well in the Italian league.
Asamoah will undergo an operation and will be out for around three months, but when surgery’s involved this can always change. On the left we have Padoin, who has put in some fine performances, and Evra. Then there’s Mattiello, who played well when he came on against Lazio in Rome, and the return of Caceres will give us another option on the right.”

73Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Fr Dez 05, 2014 12:39 pm


Pressekonferenz von Massimiliano Allegri vor dem Spiel in Florenz:

“We’re up against a side who head into the game off the back of two away wins. They’re also a historic rival of ours, so it’s important we remain alert. They hit four in Cagliari and while it’s never easy to play in Florence, we must look to come away with a positive result. We’re in reasonably good shape from a physical point of view and we’ll tackle the game with great determination, against a side who play a good brand of football."

"Ogbonna’s back in the squad and could represent an important alternative. Evra’s in decent shape and needs minutes under his belt while we also have Padoin, who has performed well on the flank, and Mattiello, who is young but possesses a great engine. Barzagli is working his way back to
fitness and Caceres should return for either Sampdoria or Cagliari."

"Roma say they can win the title? It wouldn’t be normal if they didn’t. They had a great season last term and, like Juventus, it’s their duty to win. We have a three-point advantage and hope to stay out in front. To do so we need to win tomorrow, knowing that both us and Roma will be fighting tooth and nail all the way through until the end of the season."

"I think the team’s done well. We’ve brought in some youngsters who are developing alongside the so-called ‘old guard’, who are the spine of the team and possess the right mentality. They challenge themselves on a daily basis and what they’ve already won isn’t enough for them."

"We can improve in terms of our play because I think we’ve got players with the characteristics to do so. As it stands we’ve conceded very few goals and barely allowed our opponents a shot, but we can improve from a technical point of view."

“The main target in Europe is to get to the last 16 and establish ourselves in the top eight. It’s difficult to go all the way in the Champions League because it’s a strange competition. I remember Chelsea losing a final when Terry slipped and missed his penalty and then winning one after spending 118 minutes in their own box.”

74Pressekonferenz - Seite 3 Empty Re: Pressekonferenz Mi Dez 10, 2014 8:51 pm


Stimmen nach dem Champions League Achtelfinal Einzug:

Massimiliano Allegri:
“Credit and thanks go the lads tonight. We played well in the group stages and held our own against last year’s finalists. We need to be aware of our qualities and we’ll gradually improve.”
“It’s never easy when going up against Atletico. They’re strong in defence and played narrow, meaning it was difficult to get the ball in between the lines. There were a couple of nervy moments, with Gigi doing well to keep them at bay.
We wanted to win, but in the second half our aim was to get through. We didn’t want to jeapordise a deserved place in the last 16.”

Gianluigi Buffon:
“Qualifying became a complicated task for us after three games. Then we did really well to turn things around and get to a point where we needed a draw from the final game to get through."
“Given our performances it was slightly harsh, because I think we deserved to go through with one or two games to spare.”
“Finishing first or second makes little difference. Even topping the group would see you come up against the strong teams sooner or later. If you’re a good side you’ll beat them regardless of where you finish, even in the last 16 stage.”

Carlos Tevez:
“It was a game of two halves. During the first 45 minutes, the match was more open with both sides giving as good as they got."
“They shut up shop during the second period, however, and we were forced to shoot from distance because it was impossible to play through them.”
“The Christmas break and holidays will do us good. We’ve had four months of playing regular football, it’s normal that a bit of tiredness has started to creep in.”

Paul Pogba:
“Atletico are a strong side but Juventus played with a lot of personality against a great team who reached the final last season.”
“Atletico were very narrow today. There wasn’t much space out there. We tried to get in behind them at times but they’re very strong defensively. We’re through to the next phase and that’s the most important thing.”
“The draw? No preference. We’ll play to progress and come out on top."
“We know that we can go far with this team but we need to give even more because the games aren’t going to be easy.”

Fernando Llorente:
“It makes no difference to us who we face in the next round. We represent a very tough prospect for every opponent and are capable of winning against anyone.”
“The Atletico centre-backs are good players and it’s difficult to shake them off. When Tevez drops off in search of the ball I’m left a little bit more isolated, but that doesn’t cause me concern.”
“I’m happy. It’s important to be a starter for Juventus and the Champions League is every player’s dream. To achieve this I aim to give everything I can in every game, and show that I can be of assistance to the team.”

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